
The MTB Mazovia bicycle marathon is enjoying an increasing popularity.
The MTB Mazovia bicycle marathon is enjoying an increasing popularity.

The most important sports facilities in Piaseczno are: the Municipal Sport and Recreation Center, with a full-size sports hall, an indoor 20 metre swimming pool and a big skate park, sports clubs: KS Piaseczno, “Jedność” Żabieniec, “Sparta” Jazgarzew, “Victoria” Głosków, “Perła Złotokłos”, “Laura” Chylice and “Hubertus” Zalesie Górne, as well as Municipal Stadium and school sports halls. The upgraded Municipal Stadium includes, in addition to a grass football pitch, a full-sized trainig pitch with artificial grass, bearing a FIFA 3Star certificate, and a professional track certified by the Polish Athletic Association.

In addition, there are also private holiday recreation complexes. The inhabitants have access to fitness, tennis, squash, badminton, cycling, volleyball, basketball, football, kickboxing, judo, archery and even baseball and motorcycling.

The „Grawitacja” sports club is a showcase of the city. Dancers’ acrobatic performances are a part of almost every important cultural and sporting event in the town. We are proud to say that club members have won World, European and Polish Championships  in hip-hop, disco and funky dance. The club offers classes at different levels for children and for adults.

Kickboxing in Piaseczno is a long established tradition. Throughout the years, the competitors have earned numerous medals at national and international contests. The best of them are a part of national team and represent Poland worldwide. In 2009 Mariusz Niziołek from Piaseczno became the first Polish professional World Champion in full contact formula.

Bicycle marathon MTB Mazovia, organized by Cezary Zamana, professional gold medal cyclist, in cooperation with the municipality, is becoming more and more popular. Its subsequent editions attract more than one thousand competitors every year.

One of the most spectacular sports nad recreational events has permanently entered the event calendar of Piaseczno. Once a year, you can complete in Górki Szymona in Zalesie Dolne at 1/4 of the Ironman distance, by swimming, running and cycling. The event attracts large groups of fans.

Thanks to its good facilities Piaseczno often hosts big sport events, such as the Polish Kickboxing Championship, the Polish Seniors Tennis Championship, and the Mazovian Youth Olympics. Large running events are also held within the city and in the forest areas.